Monday, February 13, 2012A Note From the Vineyard
Just a quick update from our grower Steve Alden. As you can see, our vineyards are really remote; it's just nature and the grapes out there!
"The other day I found a yearling black tail buck killed by what I thought was a small mountain lion at our vineyards. The buck had been completely covered with grass and other forest litter. The next day I set up a trail camera I had bought some time ago, but had never used. When I came back two days later I found these photos of a large bobcat. A real surprise!"---Steve Alden, Perli Vineyards
WOW. Thanks for sharing. Happy St. V's desde Puerto Rico. Wish I cd be in NYC in time for Jared's visit, don't think I can get away until late March/early April. Very best-- PS-- still managing to source Grenache Gris from McDowell's??
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